Section 9: Troubleshooting 77
Digital Label Press 3 User’s Manual
6. Press Menu to bring up the PAGE LOAD SEQUENCE as described in the
section on paper loading and press ENTER to run the paper load sequence.
7. Resend your job from Press Print.
The ribbon sensor detects the different colored panels of the ribbon. This error will
be displayed if the sensor is not able to read the colors of the ribbon correctly. First
make certain the proper ribbon type is installed. If so, make certain that the sensor
connector is slid all the way to the right (as shown above). If not, the press's
processor can not see the information being sent from the ribbon sensor. If the
ribbon and the sensor connector are ok, you will need to calibrate the ribbon
sensor. This is done as follows:
1. Open the Printer Hood.
2. Manually wind the ribbon forward until the start of the ribbon's yellow panel
and the end of the preceding panel (cyan on the #300 CMY resin ribbon or
clear on the #200 CMYO Dye Sublimation ribbon) can be seen on the take up
roll. There should be almost a full panel of yellow ribbon visible inside the
3. Close the Printer hood and verify that the printer is properly connected.
4. Press both the Cancel and Retry buttons to reset the press. Make certain the
display reads:
5. Go the printer driver setup window (see section 6-D) and click on the Calibrate
button. The Printer Ribbon Sensor Calibration window appears.
6. Click on the Send button of the Ribbon Calibrate box to download the ribbon
sensor calibration sequence to the press. The press will advance the ribbon
looking at the yellow panel and recording it in memory. Once the ribbon stops,
the calibration is complete. If successful, the display will read:
7. Open the Printer Hood and rewind the ribbon by hand until all of the yellow
panel is on back on the supply roll. The sensor looks for the change to yellow
so the yellow panel should not be visible.
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