10. Highlight only the part of the text you wish to serialize. This is helpful when
serializing barcodes as you may have information that stays the same on each
label. Once this is highlighted, click Set Base. This tells the software the
number to start counting from when serializing. Next, enter the amount you
wish to increment each number. In the Type box you can select Character if you
wish the increment a letter instead of a number. Click OK to begin serializing
your labels.
Note that if copying multiple pages of output, only one page of images will
actually appear on screen. This is done to conserve system resources. If you would
like to view subsequent pages, PressPrint does provide a scrolling tool in
the bottom right-hand corner of its screen. This allows you to easily move from
page to page. When your labels are finished duplicating, you can then print them
according to the instructions in Part E of this section.
Multiple spot color labels are labels created by using two or more of the press's
separate spot color resin or wax/resin ribbons to print a label design with two or
more separate colors. This process is done by manually changing ribbon colors
during the print job and is beneficial if you would like to create a simple two or
three color label with no dithering. Since separate ribbons are used, keep in mind
that the alignment of the different colors may not be exact. For this reason, your
multiple spot color label designs should be relatively simple.
Section 7: Installing and Using the PressPrint Software for Windows 61
Digital Label Press 3 User’s Manual
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