
Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PROe
Read Policy – The Read Cache policy of this logical drive.
Write Policy – The Write Cache policy of this logical drive.
Serial Number – The Serial Number of this logical drive.
WWN – The World Wide Number of this logical drive.
Synchronized – Has this logical drive been synchronized? Yes or No.
Logical Drive Statistics (in alphabetical order)
Data Transferred
Data Bytes
Read Data Bytes
Write Data Bytes
Error Counts
Non-Read/Write Errors
Read Errors
Write Errors
I/O Request Counts
IO Request
Non-Read/Write IO Request
Read IO Request
Write IO Request
Session Received Counts
Statistics Collection Date/Time
Statistics Start Date/Time
Logical Drive Settings
The Logical Drive–Settings tab enables you to assign an alias and make cache
settings to this logical drive. To make Logical Drive settings:
1. Click the Subsystem icon in Tree View.
2. Click on the Disk Arrays icon.
3. Click on the Disk Array icon.
4. Click on the Logical Drives icon
5. Click on the Logical Drive icon.
6. Click on the Settings tab in Management View.
7. Enter an alias in the Logical Drive Alias field.