99-00666-20 B0 Maintaining the Slate 53
Maintaining the Slate
This chapter describes how to maintain the AirLiner slate:
• Clean the slate (this page).
• Replace the tethered pen tip (this page).
• Replace the battery (page 55).
Cleaning the Slate
Regularly clean the AirLiner WS100 wireless slate with a soft, damp cloth to remove dust and dirt
particles. If necessary, dampen the cloth using mild soap that is diluted with water.
• When you’re not using the slate and its tools, store them in a clean, dry place. Do not expose
them to extremes in temperature.
• Do not disassemble the slate or its tools. If you disassemble the slate or its tools, you’ll void
your warranty.
• Do not attempt to twist the tethered pen open. It must remain a sealed unit, in order to work
Do not clean the slate with volatile liquids such as paint thinner or benzene,
because they can damage the plastic case.