9-10 Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
Note – Unless you include the lom -W on and -R on options in a script file, you
will need to execute the lom command every time you reboot the system. (That is, if
you want to use the automatic server restart facility.) Otherwise the watchdog will
not run, and the server will not reset after a lockup.
9.2.3 Setting the Hardware Reset Option From a
Script or Command (lom -R on)
To make the LOM device’s watchdog process trigger an automatic server restart
(ASR) after a lockup, add the -R on option to the command in your
/etc/rc2.d/S25lom script file. This is the script that runs the watchdog. For full
instructions about how to do this, see Section 9.2.1, “Configuring the LOM
Watchdog to Restart the System After a Lockup” on page 9-8.
● However, if for any reason you are not using the script file provided with your
system (/etc/rc2.d/S25lom) but have instead enabled the watchdog from the
command line or from another script file, you can turn the Hardware reset
option on by typing the following at the command line:
● To turn the Hardware reset option off from the command line,type:
# lom -R on
# lom -R off