Printing Reference
Using the
Phaser 240 GX Driver
If you are using a Macintosh with QuickDraw GX and System Software 7.5,
use the Phaser 240 GX driver to print to your Phaser 240 printer.
■ The Phaser 240 GX driver works with QuickDraw GX applications
and with non-QuickDraw GX applications.
■ QuickDraw GX doesn’t work with non-QuickDraw GX printer
drivers. If you want to print from non-QuickDraw GX
applications with the Tektronix Phaser 240 driver (based on the
LaserWriter 7.1.2. printer driver) described in Chapter 2, you must
disable QuickDraw GX; see page A-21 for instructions.
System requirements
The Tektronix Phaser 240 GX printer driver requires the following hardware
and software:
■ An Apple Macintosh II computer, or later
■ At least 8 Mbytes of RAM
■ QuickDraw GX and System Software version 7.5