Modifying Printer Operations
Phaser 240 Drivers and Utilities
Setting the printer’s EtherTalk zone
A zone is a logical grouping of networked devices, such as an engineering or
marketing zone. Ask your network administrator which zone your printer
should be in.
Since a network needs to be able to uniquely identify any device, you must
make sure the zone on EtherTalk is different from the zone on LocalTalk. If
you make the EtherTalk zone the same as the LocalTalk zone, the printer
automatically makes the name seen on the LocalTalk network different from
the name seen on the EtherTalk network. For example, the default printer
name Phaser 240 would be changed to Phaser 240 (via LocalTalk). This
automatic renaming keeps the printer operational regardless of zone or
name conflicts and lets you distinguish the high–speed Ethernet connection
from the slower LocalTalk connection.
Use the files for your computer type.
Macintosh users
With devices grouped into zones, you can use the Chooser to see all the
printers in any zone.
To designate the EtherTalk zone, use the Set EtherTalk Zone utility file. You
will have to edit this file. You must have a copy of TeachText, or SimpleText
for System Software 7.1 and higher, installed on your hard disk to do this
editing. If you don’t have a copy already installed, copy TeachText or
SimpleText from the same Apple system software diskettes you last used to
upgrade your computer.
If you have both LocalTalk and Ethernet cables as part of the same Apple
Internet, it is recommended that you connect only the Ethernet cable. There
is no benefit to making both LocalTalk and Ethernet connections to the
printer if both cables are part of the same Apple Internet. See the Phaser 240
Color Printer User Manual for information on printer behavior in this
Macintosh file name PC file name
LaserWriter Utility
Set EtherTalk Zone