
Managing Transcripts
Importing a Transcript
To import a transcript, complete these steps:
1. Click the New arrow on the Main Menu toolbar and choose Transcript (from File) from the menu. The
Import Wizard–Transcript File dialog box is displayed.
2. Click Browse to display the Browse for Transcript Files dialog box.
3. Select a file type from the Files of type drop-down list. Then select your transcript and click Open. The Import
Wizard–Transcript File dialog box is redisplayed.
4. Click Next. A message warning that the transcript has not been signed electronically may be displayed. Click
Continue. The Import Wizard–Transcript Properties dialog box is displayed.
5. Type a comment in the Comment text box, if desired.
6. Click Finish. The Import Wizard–Import Summary dialog box is displayed. To import another transcript,
click Again. If you do not want to import another transcript, click Close. The text of the transcript is
displayed in the right pane and listed under Transcripts in the left pane.
Note: If you see next to the transcript, it indicates the transcript has been signed.