Technicolor - Thomson West Case Notebook Laptop User Manual

West Case Notebook is an electronic organizer and deposition tool for saving and working with
important documents, research, and transcripts. With West Case Notebook you can
track key facts and their related issues
track the parties involved in the litigation
import and convert key documents to text searchable formats using optical character recognition
(OCR) technology
send research documents from Westlaw to the case file
check KeyCite status
build issues databases by creating categories and highlighting text
summarize issues by running reports
copy text from a Westlaw document and paste the text along with the citation into a word-processing
connect to a deposition transcript in real time
System Requirements
You will need the following to operate West Case Notebook, West LiveNote Administration, and West
LiveNote Repository:
West Case Notebook
If you intend to view video with West Case Notebook, use the recommended configurations.
IBM PC or compatible computer with Pentium 4 processor
Windows Vista or Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2
1 GB of RAM (2 GB recommended) for Microsoft Windows XP
1 GB of RAM (2 GB recommended) for Windows Vista
10 GB of available hard disk space (100 GB recommended)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later
Windows Media Player 9 or later
one free serial port for Realtime connection
Note: If you do not have a free serial port, you can connect to Realtime with a serial adapter connected
to a USB port or through the Internet with LiveNote Stream. For more information on LiveNote
Stream, see “Using LiveNote Stream” on page 55.
West LiveNote Administration
IBM PC or compatible computer with Pentium 4 processor
Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, or Windows Server 2003
1 GB of RAM (2 GB recommended) for Microsoft Windows XP
1 GB of RAM (2 GB recommended) for Windows Vista
10 GB of available hard disk space