
Working with Reports
You can generate reports for all Quick Marks, annotations, issues, notes, cases, searches, and Auto Tags.
While viewing an Annotations, Issues, or Quick Marks report, you can return to the location in the
document where the annotation or mark appears by clicking its section in the report. To return to the
report, click the Report tab. New annotations are automatically added to the report as you create them,
so the report is always current.
Annotations Report
You can generate a report that includes a list of all the annotations in a document, arranged in page and
line order. It also includes the surrounding questions and answers.
To create an Annotations report for the document you are viewing, right-click the Annotations folder in
the left pane and click Report. The report is displayed on the Report tab in the right pane and listed
under Report in the left pane.
To create an Annotations report for one or more documents, complete these steps:
1. Click the Report button ( ) on the Main Menu toolbar, then choose All Annotations from the
menu. The All Annotations Report Properties dialog box is displayed.
Right-click the
Annotations folder,
then click Report to
create an Annotations
report for the document
you are viewing.
Click the Hit arrows to
view the next or previous
annotation in your report.
Click a heading next to an
icon in the report to go to
the location in the
document where the
annotation appears.