
6.23 PLU Table Programming
1. A maximum of 1,000 PLUs are programmable.
2 If a PLU is linked to a negative department, the PLU is automatically set as negative PLU.
3. The [PLU] key here indicates the key labelled simply as “PLU” but not any PLU preset-code keys.
*1: Linked Department Code
Enter a 2-digit code of the department to which the PLU is linked.
When the PLU is newly programmed, this entry is compulsory (an error will result if this entry is skipped.)
01 to 40
*2: Preset Price
For a preset PLU (preset-price PLU), enter a maximum of 6-digit price, and depress the [Enter] key.
1 to 999999 (result: 0,01 to 9999,99)
A zero-price (0,00) may be preset by entering 0 in the above operation.
When no numeric value is entered and the [Enter] key is simply depressed, the PLU will be an open PLU
(open-price PLU).
*3: 2nd Preset Price
For a preset PLU (preset-price PLU), enter a maximum of 6-digit price, and depress the [Enter] key.
1 to 999999 (result: 0,01 to 9999,99)
A zero-price (0,00) may be preset by entering 0 in the above operation.
If the 2nd preset price entry is skipped, the 1st preset price will be automatically programmed as the 2nd
preset price.
*4: 3rd Preset Price
For a preset PLU (preset-price PLU), enter a maximum of 6-digit price, and depress the [Enter] key.
1 to 999999 (result: 0,01 to 9999,99)
A zero-price (0,00) may be preset by entering 0 in the above operation.
If the 3rd preset price entry is skipped, the 1st preset price will be automatically programmed as the 3rd
preset price.
*5: VAT or Add-on Tax Status
Tax type should be selected from either “VAT” or “ADD-ON TAX” by the system option.
Enter one- to eight-digit status codes for applicable VAT or Add-on Tax.
VAT or Add-on Tax Status Type
0: Non-VAT or Non-taxable
1: VAT 1 or Tax 1
2: VAT 2 or Tax 2
3: VAT 3 or Tax 3
4: VAT 4 or Tax 4
5: VAT 5 or Tax 5
6: VAT 6 or Tax 6
7: VAT 7 or Tax 7
8: VAT 8 or Tax 8
A combination of VAT and Add-on tax statuses is not possible.
(More than one code can be entered for
combining Tax 1 to Tax 8 taxable statuses.
For example, enter 12 to select VAT 1 and VAT
2 (or Tax 1 and Tax 2) taxable statuses.)