Toshiba MA-600 Cash Register User Manual

1.1 Main Features
1- 1
This programming manual is provided for salespersons, field engineers, and other personal as supplementary
manual for TOSHIBA TEC Electronic Cash Register MA-600 series.
Reading through the MA-600 Owner’s Manual is recommended in order to thoroughly understand the
descriptions in this manual.
1.1 Main Features
This ECR adopts an LCD display (192 x 64 dots), which displays a maximum of 24 one-byte characters by 4
A PC is connectable to the ECR with USB connection.
Files for up to 40 departments, 1000 PLUs, and 8 cashiers can be controlled.
Consignment print feature is supported. (Immediately after performing the Department/PLU entry or finalizing
a sale, the [CONSIGNMENT] key depression leads to an issuance of a receipt only for the entry or sale
finalization just performed.)
Key-in tone at the registering operation and error tone are selectable from High (standard setting), Low, and
Key sticker printing feature is adopted.
1.2 Description of Model Number
1.2.1 Terminal Model Number
M A - 6 0 0 - - - - R
RoHS Compliance
Blank: Non-RoHS compliant model
R: RoHS compliant model
Destination Code
(QP, GB, etc.)
Drawer Type
G: ESP drawer
Keyboard Type
Blank: Normal type keyboard
F: Flat type keyboard
2: QP type