Toshiba MA-600 Cash Register User Manual

3.2 Basic Memory Capacities
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3.2 Basic Memory Capacities
(NOTE: For Item Count below, “6 + 2 digits” means that it has 6 integer digits and 2 decimal digits.)
Group Memory (Group Name: 12 characters; max. 15 groups)
Memory Type Counter or Total Digits
Item Count 6 + 2
Amount 10
Item Count 6 + 2
Daily Memory
Group Total
Amount 10
Item Count 6 + 2
Amount 10
Item Count 6 + 2
GT Memory
Group Total
Amount 10
Department Memory (Department Name: 16 characters; max. 40 departments)
Memory Type Counter or Total Digits
Customer Count 6
Item Count 6 + 2
Daily Memory
Amount 10
Customer Count 6
Item Count 6 + 2
GT Memory
Amount 10
PLU Memory (PLU Name: 16 characters; max. 1000 PLUs)
Memory Type Counter or Total
Item Count 6 + 2
Daily Memory
Amount 10
Hourly Range Memory (max. 24 hour ranges)
Memory Type Counter or Total
Customer Count 6
Item Count 6 + 2
Daily Memory
Amount 10
Salesperson Memory (Salesperson Name: 12 characters; max. 30 salespersons)
Memory Type Counter or Total
Item Count 6 + 2
Gross Sale
Amount 10
Item Count 6 + 2
Net Sale with Tax
Amount 10
Item Count 6 + 2
Daily Memory
Amount 10