Tripp Lite B022-U08-IP Switch User Manual

7.2.3 Remote OSD Administration Tab
7. Administration
Character Description
C Gives the corresponding account administrator privileges.
W Gives the corresponding account access to the KVM switch
via the Windows browser and non-browser applications.
J Gives the corresponding account access to the KVM
switch via the Java browser and non-browser applications.
L Gives the corresponding account access to the log server
on the Web Management Interface.
V Gives the corresponding account view-only access to all
ports on the KVM switch.
PN/xxxx Denies the corresponding account access to a port.
SN/xx Denies the corresponding account access to a station.
PV/xxxx Gives the corresponding account view-only access to a
SV/xx Gives the corresponding account view-only access to a
PF/xxxx Gives the corresponding account full access to a port.
SF/xx Gives the corresponding account full access to a station.
Access Rights Description The corresponding account has administrator
access to the KVM assigned to IP address The account does not have access
to any other KVM’s administered by the LDAP/S
The corresponding account has administrator
access to the KVM assigned to IP address The corresponding account can
access the KVM assigned to IP address via the Windows and Java
browser and non-browser applications. The
corresponding account does not have access
to any other KVMs administered by the LDAP/S
v,l; The corresponding account has view-only
and log server access rights on all KVMs
administered by the LDAP/S server. The
corresponding account can access the KVM
assigned to IP address via the Java
browser and non-browser applications. The corresponding account is denied access to
port 2 on station 1 of the KVM chain assigned
to IP address The corresponding
account does not have access to any other
KVMs administered by the LDAP/S server. The corresponding account is given full access
to all ports on the KVM assigned to IP address The corresponding account
does not have access to any other KVMs
administered by the LDAP/S server. The corresponding account is given view-only
access to station 2 of the KVM chain assigned
to IP address The corresponding
account does not have access to any other
KVMs administered by the LDAP/S server.
4. Right-clickontheuser’snameandselect properties.
5. Select the Attribute Editor tab of the screen that appears. Select
B022-U08-IP-AccessRight from the list that appears. Click Edit.
6. ReplacethevalueshownwiththedesiredKVMpermission
attribute value. (See table below for details.)
Permission Attribute Value
The Permission Attribute Value is made up of two parts; the IP address
characters that indicates the access rights the user has. The following
rules apply to the makeup of the permission attribute value entry:
• Anampersand(&)connectstheKVMrepresentedbytheIPaddress
to the access rights represented by the string of characters.
• Thecharactersoftheaccessrightsstringcanbeenteredineither
upper or lower case. The available characters and what access rights
they represent are listed in the following table.
• Eachcharacterintheaccessrightsstringisseparatedbyacomma
(,). There are no spaces before or after the comma.
• IfauserhasaccessrightstomorethanoneKVM,eachpermission
segment is separated by a semicolon (;). There are no spaces before
or after the semicolon.