FreeFlow Scanner 665E Operator Manual
4. Advanced Scanning
The Reduce/Enlarge tools scale the image to a smaller or larger
size. The Reduce/Enlarge controls allow you to change the size
of the image to fit specific dimensions or by a percentage. The
amount by which you can reduce or enlarge the image depends
on the scan resolution and the size of the original.
NOTE: Scanners enlarge images by scanning at a higher sample
density (SPI) than requested. When the image is displayed at the
requested DPI, it appears larger than the original because it
contains more dots than it would have if scanned at the requested
SPI. When you scan from the automatic document feeder at 600
SPI and enlarge the document, the scanning speed will be
reduced noticeably. There is nothing wrong with the scanner.
For a further understanding of dpi/spi and resolution refer to
Chapter 9, “Understanding Resolution” on page 9-3.
Using the Scale To feature: The Scale To feature allows you to reduce or enlarge the original
by a percentage amount. Simply select the radio button to
activate the feature and enter a percentage value in the Width and
Height fields.
Using the Fit In feature: The Fit In feature allows you to reduce or enlarge the original by a
precise measurement. Simply select the radio button to activate
the feature and enter the new dimensions for Width and Height.
Preventing the image from
becoming distorted:
The Proportional feature automatically preserves the aspect ratio
(the ratio of the width to the height of the image). This feature
prevents you from distorting the image, and is especially useful
when used in conjunction with the Fit In feature.
NOTE: When using the [Proportional] feature with the [Fit In]
feature, the image will not exceed the dimensions entered. For
example, if you try to make an 8.5 x 11 inch document fit in an 8.5
x 14 inch space, no enlargement will occur, because to do so
would make the output image exceed the 8.5 inch width.