Prestige 128MH PSTN Router/Hub
Table 4-2. Default Dial-in Setup Fields (continued)
Field Description Option
Dial-In IPX Net. Num.
Supplied By: IPX Pool
This field tells your Prestige to provide the remote host with an
IPX network number from the pool. Otherwise, your Prestige will
generate a random IPX network number.
(Default = No)
IPX Start Net. Num. This field is active only if you selected [Yes] in the Dial-In IPX
Net. Num. Supplied By: IPX Pool field. The IPX pool contains
contiguous IPX network numbers and this field specifies the first
one in the pool.
IPX Count (1,16) In this field, enter the number ([1] - [16]) of network numbers in
the IPX Pool. For example, if the starting number is 12345678,
and the count is [2], then the IPX pool will have 12345678 and
[1] to [16]
Session Options:
Input Filter Sets
Output Filter Sets
In these fields, you need to select the filter set(s) to filter the
incoming and outgoing traffic between your Prestige and the
Remote Dial-in User. Keep in mind that these filter set(s) will
only apply to all Remote Dial-in Users but not the Remote
You can choose from 12 different filter sets. In addition, you can
link up to 4 filter sets together for further customization (for
example, 1, 5, 9, 12).
Note that spaces and [-] symbol, are accepted in this field. For
more information on customizing your filter sets, see Chapter 9 -
Filter Configuration. The default is blank, i.e., no filters.
Default = blank
Session Options:
Idle Timeout
This value is the number of idle seconds that elapses before the
dial-in user is automatically disconnected. Idle Timeout is the
period of time when there is no data traffic between the dial-in
user or Remote Node and your Prestige.
This field will only be used if the Recv. Authen field is set to
[None] and the call is not mapped to any Remote Node or
Remote Dial-in User or your Prestige calls back to the Remote
Dial-in User.
Once you have completed filling in Menu 13 - Default Dial-in Setup, press [Enter] at the message [Press
ENTER to Confirm…] to save your selections, or press [Esc] at any time to cancel your selections.