Chapter 10 Package Management
NSA320 User’s Guide
10.5 eMule Screens
Use these screens to manage the eMule application in your NSA. eMule is a peer-
to-peer (P2P) file-sharing console that lets you download files from the Internet. It
works with eDonkey and Kad networks.
10.5.1 eMule Server Screen
Use this screen to configure the eMule server.
Click Applications > eMule > Server to open the following screen.
Figure 119 Applications > eMule > Server
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Description This shows a brief description of the item.
Close Click this to close the screen.
Table 48 Applications > Package Management > Package Info
Table 49 Applications > eMule > Server
Server - You can add multiple servers in this screen. However, the NSA can only connect
to one eMule server at a time.
Enable eMule Check this and click Apply to enable the eMule application.
Add Server Click this to add an eMule server. A server provides a list of available
files for download, users sharing them and other information.
Refer to Section 10.5.2 on page 237 for the Add Server screen.