ZyAIR B-500 Wireless Access Point User’s Guide
16-2 System Information and Diagnosis
The following table describes the fields present in Menu 24.1 – System Maintenance – Status which are
read-only and meant for diagnostic purposes.
Figure 16-2 Menu 24.1 System Maintenance : Status
The following table describes the fields present in this menu.
Table 16-1 Menu 24.1 System Maintenance : Status
Port This is the port type. Port types are: Ethernet and Wireless
Status This shows the status of the remote node.
TxPkts This is the number of transmitted packets to this remote node.
RxPkts This is the number of received packets from this remote node.
Cols This is the number of collisions on this connection.
Tx B/s This shows the transmission rate in bytes per second.
Rx B/s This shows the receiving rate in bytes per second.
Up Time This is the time this channel has been connected to the current remote node.
Ethernet Address This shows the MAC address of the port.
IP Address This shows the IP address of the network device connected to the port.
IP Mask This shows the subnet mask of the network device connected to the port.
This shows the DHCP setting (None or Client) for the port.
Menu 24.1 - System Maintenance - Status 00:15:56
Sat. Jan. 01, 2000
Port Status TxPkts RxPkts Cols Tx B/s Rx B/s Up Time
ETH 100M/Full 422 558 0 273 128 0:11:52
WLAN 16.5M 123 0 0 0 0 0:15:54
Port Ethernet Address IP Address IP Mask DHCP
ETH 00:A0:C5:00:00:04 None
WLAN 00:A0:C5:00:00:04
System up Time: 0:16:00
Name: B-500.
ZyNOS F/W Version: V3.50(HL.3)b1 | 03/29/2004
Press Command:
COMMANDS: 9-Reset Counters ESC-Exit