
120 Serving Your Customers
Maximum number of domain aliases. Specify the total number of additional
alternative domain names that the customer will be able to use for his or her
web sites.
Disk space. Specify the total amount of disk space in megabytes that is allocated
to the customer. It includes disk space occupied by all files related to user's
domains/web sites: web site contents, databases, applications, mailboxes, log
files and backup files. This is the so-called soft quota: when it is exceeded, the
user account and domain names/web sites are not suspended automatically,
only the appropriate notices are sent to your and your customer's e-mail
addresses and the resource overage is indicated by the icon shown in your
and your customer's control panels to the left of the user name (see the list of
clients that opens when you click the Clients shortcut in the navigation pane) or
domain name (see the list of domain names that opens when you click the
Domains shortcut in the navigation pane).
Maximum amount of traffic. Specify the amount of data in megabytes that can be
transferred from the customer's web sites during a month. Once the limit is
reached, the appropriate notices are sent to your and your customer's e-mail
addresses and the resource overage is indicated by the corresponding icon
shown in the control panel to the left of the user name (see the list of clients that
opens when you click the Clients shortcut in the navigation pane) or domain
name (see the list of domain names that opens when you click the Domains
shortcut in the navigation pane).
Maximum number of web users. Specify the total number of personal web pages
that your customer can host for other users under his or her domains. This
service is mostly used in educational institutions that host non-commercial
personal pages of their students and staff. These pages usually have web
addresses like http://your-domain.com/~username. See the Hosting Personal
Web Pages (on page 168) section for details.
Maximum number of databases. Specify the total number of databases that the
customer can host on the server.
Maximum number of mailboxes. Specify the total number of mailboxes that the
customer can host on the server.
Mailbox quota. Specify the amount of disk space in kilobytes that is allocated for
storing e-mail messages and autoresponder attachment files to each mailbox in
a domain.
Maximum number of mail redirects. Specify the total number of mail forwarders to a
single recipient that the customer can set up.
Maximum number of mail groups. Specify the total number of mail forwarders to
multiple recipients that the customer can set up.
Maximum number of mail autoresponders. Specify the total number of automatic
responses that the customer can set up.
Maximum number of mailing lists. Specify the total number of mailing lists that you
customer can host on the server. To provide users with mailing lists, you should
install the GNU Mailman software.
Maximum number of Java applications. Specify the total number of Java applications
or applets that can be hosted on the server.