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Improving Accuracy of Spam Detection
You can improve accuracy of spam detection by training the spam filter on the e-mail
messages that you have in your mailbox.
To improve accuracy of spam detection:
1 Click the Domains shortcut in the navigation pane.
2 Click the required domain name in the list.
3 Click the Mail icon in the Services group.
4 Click the e-mail address you need.
5 Click the Spam Filter icon in the Tools group.
6 Click the Training tab.
All e-mail messages you have in your mailbox are presented on the screen. Each
message is accompanied by an icon in the left column, which tells if a message is
recognized as spam - , non-spam - , or not recognized at all - . If you have
already trained your spam filter on a message and the results were recorded in the
spam filter‘s database, an icon is shown in the right column.
7 Train the spam filter.
In most cases, you can tell if a message is spam by looking at its subject line and
sender‘s name. If they do not give you any clue, try looking inside the message
using your e-mail program or webmail interface.
To mark a message as spam, select the corresponding check box and click ‘It’s
To mark a message as not spam, select the corresponding check box and click
‘It’s Not Spam’.
To remove any information on a given message from the spam filter database,
select the corresponding check box and click ‘Forget It’.
8 Once finished with training, you can remove spam e-mails from your
mailbox using your e-mail program or Horde IMP Webmail interface.