BEh If BCP option is enabled, clear the screen
before booting.
BFh Check virus and backup reminders. Display
System Summary.
C0h Try to boot with INT 19.
C1h Initialize the Post Error Manager.
C2h Write PEM errors.
C3h Display PEM errors.
C4h Initialize system error handler.
C5h PnPnd dual CMOS (optional).
C6h Initialize note dock.
C7h Initialize note dock late.
C8h Force check (optional).
C9h Extended checksum (optional).
CAh Redirect Int 15h to enable target board to
use remote keyboard (PICO BIOS).
CBh Redirect Int 13h to Memory Technologies
Devices such as ROM, RAM, PCMCIA, and
serial disk (PICO BIOS).
CDh Redirect Int 10h to enable target board to
use a remote serial video (PICO BIOS).
CEh Initialize digitizer device and display
installed message if successful.
D2h Unknown interrupt.
Dfh 4-2-4-4 A20 test error.
E0h Initialize the chipset.
Beep Code Description