Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23 57
2. Select COM1 for the Connect Using.
FIGURE 7. HyperTerminal: Comport Setting
3. Change the Bits per Second to 115200 (default), Data Bits to 8, Parity to
None, Stop Bits to 1, and Flow Control to Hardware.
FIGURE 8. HyperTerminal: Comport Settings
4. Type AT and press Enter. You should get a reply of “OK” or “0”. .
5. To see what you are typing as you type it, you will need to turn on the echo and
verbose mode. Type ATE1V1 and press Enter.
6. If you get a reply of “OK”, then you entered the command successfully. If you
get a reply of “0” or “ERROR”, try entering the command again.
AT Command Tables
The tables below list the AT commands, their parameters, and explain what they do.
• For most commands, you need to preface the command with AT (exceptions are
noted), i.e. ATA which listed as A