70 Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23
*CTSE=n n=0 or 1 Clear To Send Enable
This feature asserts CTS when there is a network con-
0 : Disabled (Default).
1 : Enable assertion of CTS when there is network cov-
Note: Flow control (AT\Q) will override this indication,
so if you want to use CTS to indicate network coverage,
flow control has to be off (AT\Q0).
RS232 voltage levels:
Positive = Network coverage.
Negative = No coverage.
*DU=n n=0 or 1 The dial command always uses UDP, even when using
0 : Dial using the means specified (default).
1 : Dial UDP always, even when using ATDT.
Note: When this parameter is set you cannot establish a
TCP PAD connection.
*ENQ=n n=0 or 1 Outputs an ENQ [0x05] after the TCP CONNECT
delayed by the Delay Connect Response time (S221).
0 : Disabled (Default).
1 : Enables ENQ on CONNECT.
*HOSTCOMLVL none Displays the current signal levels of the host serial port.
*HOSTMODE? none The current host mode (AT, PPP, UDP, etc.) which the
modem is in. If the modem is not in AT mode, telnet into
the modem to execute this command.
*HOSTNETMASK=n.n.n.n n.n.n.n = subnet
mask, example
Netmask for the host interface. Allows communication
with a subnet behind the host interface.
*HOSTPAP=n n=0 or 1 Use PAP to request the user login and password during
PPP negotiation on the host connection.
0 : Disable PAP request (Default).
1 : Takes user login and password from Windows DUN
connection and copies to *NETUID and *NETPW.
TABLE 6. Local Network and Host Modes
Command Parameters Details