Airlink CDMA/1x Network Card User Manual

88 Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23
mum: 40 characters
user= username The email account username to authenticate with the
SMTP server (*SMTPADDR) for sending email.
Note: not required to use SMTP settings but may be
required by carrier.
This command is used to delete one or several messages.
Delete message at location.
Delete All READ messages.
Delete All READ and SENT messages.
Delete All READ, SENT and UNSENT messages.
Delete All messages.
Note: There is no confirmation required.
+CMGR=index C3211 index=0-9 Read a message.
email= email
address or
phone number
body= message
Sends an email using SMS. The phone number or email
address is specified first. Then the body of the message
is entered. E-mail is only available if
*NETSMS2EMAIL has been configured correctly.
The message is terminated and sent by entering Ctrl-Z
on an empty line.
none Reports the number of messages stored:
New Urgent Msg {Index = 1}: <n>
New Regular Msg {Index = 2}: <r>
Voice Messages {Index = 3}: <v>
The Index number corresponds to the SMS list index
used to retrieve messages. The counters n, r, and v indi
cate the number of messages in each list.
When retrieving (!GSMS) or deleting (!DSMS), the
message number is base 0, so the highest message num
ber in any list is the reported count minus one.
none Deletes all SMS messages from all three index lists.
Note: There is no confirmation required. Use this with
TABLE 18. SMTP (email) and SMS (messaging)
Command Parameters Details