Apple 2 Network Router User Manual

4-10 List Pickers
Figure 4-7 Using a list picker from a button
In the case of a list picker that pops up next to a text label, the current value of
the picker (the most recently picked item) is usually displayed next to the
picker label. The label and the value are customarily aligned at their baselines.
The value should be displayed in the casual font, not in the system font like the
picker label and picker items. Figure 4-8 shows the sequence of events with the
label picker in the Sleep preferences slip.
Figure 4-8 Using a list picker from a label
1. User taps button to
pop up its picker
2. User taps a listed
item to pick it
4. Picked item takes effect3. Picker disappears
but button stays
highlighted until…
1. User taps a label to pop up its picker 2. User taps a listed item to pick it
3. Picker disappears and picked item appears
next to picker label