Apple 2 Network Router User Manual

Container Views 2
pictThis chapter describes container views, in which an application shows
the user text and graphic information, and in which the user interacts with
the information and the application. The chapter presents specifications and
recommendations about the appearance and behavior of these container
views, including how to display them on the screen, how users interact with
them, and how they interact with each other. There are several kinds of
standard container views whose regular looks enhance the visual stability of
Newton applications. The standard views provide predictable ways to see
and interact with all the different kinds of information people can create and
store on Newton devices. Figure 2-1 shows examples of container views.
There are conventions for opening, closing, moving, scrolling, and getting an
overview of container views. This means that no matter which application
people use, they know how to control container views on the screen and how
to adjust container views in the available screen space.
Figure 2-0
Table 2-0