Apple 2 Network Router User Manual

Routing and Communications
Routing Outgoing Items 7-13
Figure 7-8 A routing slip shows sender, recipient, and type of transport
The system animates the display of a routing slip. First the envelope panel
appears to slide onto the screen from the right. Then the lower panel appears
to slide out of the envelope.
A routing slip is part of a transport, not part of an application. A transport
uses a routing slip to get all the user-supplied information necessary to send
an item. Because a transport provides the user interface for its routing slip,
an application does not need to know anything about what is required to
send an item via that transport.
Sender Picker 7
The sender’s name and location displayed in the upper left corner of a
routing slip are actually the label of a picker. Tapping the label pops up a
Sender picker, from which a user can choose a different sender name or
worksite. Figure 7-9 illustrates the Sender picker.
Type of transport
ontent options
Cancels routing
Sends to Out Box