Apple 2 Network Router User Manual

Container Views
Main Views 2-9
reinforces the notion that there are two parts to a routing slip—an outer part
above the shadow and an inner part below it. Figure 2-8 shows acceptable
and unacceptable uses of shadows in the Newton interface.
Figure 2-8 Sparing use of some types of shadows is OK
View Fill 2
Standard container views by default are filled with white, not with black or a
pattern. If you want users to see through a container view to the views
beneath it, you can make it transparent.
Main Views 2
Nearly every application has a main view that serves as a base of operations.
An application’s main view may also be called the application base view.
But strictly speaking, the main view is a user’s concept and the application
base view is a programmer’s concept. An application base view is the view
that contains all the other views that make up the application. A main view
is a center of user operations.
This plain shadow’s function is to separate
the top of the routing slip from the bottom
Don’t use decorative drop shadows on a