Connecting SCSI devices
A SCSI device is any product—including hard disk drives, CD-ROM drives,
and scanners—that communicates with your computer by means of a
standard electronic interface. (SCSI stands for Small Computer System
Interface.) You can attach up to seven SCSI devices to your computer by
linking them together in a chain that starts at your computer’s SCSI port.
To connect a SCSI device to your Macintosh PowerBook, you need an Apple
HDI-30 SCSI System Cable or equivalent. This cable is light gray, is about 19
inches long, and has 29 pins (one “missing” pin).
Refer to the manuals that came with your SCSI devices for instructions on
installing any necessary software, setting SCSI ID numbers, and connecting
SCSI cables and SCSI terminators. Refer to the illustrations on the next page
for the proper positioning of SCSI terminators. A SCSI chain of devices must
include a terminator attached to the first and last devices in the chain (but
nowhere else in the chain). Some devices include internal terminators. Your
Macintosh PowerBook is internally terminated.
The names and the part numbers of the cables mentioned in this chapter are
the following:
Type of connection Name of part Part number
From your computer to Apple HDI-30 SCSI System Cable M2538**/A
a SCSI device
From SCSI device to Apple SCSI Peripheral Interface Cable M0207
a SCSI device
For SCSI disk mode Apple HDI-30 SCSI Disk Adapter Cable M2539**/A
When connecting SCSI equipment, always turn off power to
all devices in the chain, including your computer. If you don’t, you
could lose information and damage your equipment.
Chapter 4