7. Use the Printer Manager in the Admintool utility under Open Windows
as follows:
Select Edit
Select Add
Select Add Access to Remote Printer
At the PrinterName prompt, type any name for the print queue
At the Printer Server prompt, type:
(for example, MonarchPrinter\!BINARY_P1), where:
name matches the print server name as entered in the host’s table.
servicename is the print service name. For binary graphics files use the service
BINARY_P1; for text files use the service TEXT_P1.
8. The Print Server OS is set to BSD (this is the default setting).
9. Select Add.
10. To print, use the standard lp command; for example:
lp –dMonarchPrinter filename
We recommend using the /etc/hosts file for the printer name rather than NIS or other name
Due to a bug in the Sun lpd implementation on Solaris 2.4 and earlier releases, there may be
problems printing very long print jobs.
The workaround is to configure the print server as an HP JetDirect card using the HP
JetAdmin for UNIX software.
Solaris print queues can also be configured from the UNIX shell using the lpadmin command.
HP/UX Configuration
To configure a print server using HP/UX 10.x, use the same program and these steps:
1. When you get a list of options, select Printers and Plotters.
2. Select LP Spooler.
3. Select Printers and Plotters.
4. Select Actions and then Add Remote Printer/Plotter.
5. Enter any name as the Printer Name (this is the name of the print queue).
6. Enter the IP address of the print server as the Remote System Name.
7. Enter the print server service name (BINARY_P1 for binary files or TEXT_P1 for text files)
as the Remote Printer Name.
8. Check the box next to Remote Printer is on BSD System.
9. You may accept the default values for the remaining items.
10. Click OK to configure the printer.
11. You should now be able to print using the lp -d command with the printer name.
The configuration for HP Distributed Print Services and for earlier versions of HP/UX is
slightly different.
♦ The print server can also be configured as a JetDirect card using HP/UX. To do this, you will
need the HP UNIX Host Printing Software (part of HP's JetAdmin for UNIX).
Selecting a Management Method 3-3