Use these instructions to configure your Monarch Sierra Sport2 9460 SNP
printer or your Monarch® Sierra Sport4™ 9493™ SNP printer. Your printer contains an
802.11b/g print server (radio), which lets you communicate with your printer on a wired Ethernet
802.3 network (9493 printer only), or on an 802.11b or 802.11g wireless network. 802.11b/g
refers to 802.11b and 802.11g in this manual.
The 9460 printer (version 3.0 or greater firmware and version 1.4 or greater boot loader) lso
includessupport for the Wavelink Avalanche Management Console software.
Information in this document supercedes information in previous versions. Check our Web site
for the latest documentation and release information.
You can use the print server in Ad-Hoc (peer-to-peer) or infrastructure (access point) wireless
mode. The print server operates at speeds of up to 11 Mbps on any IEEE 802.11b and 54 Mbps
on any IEEE 802.11g wireless compatible networks.
The 9493 wireless print server includes a dual built-in wired Ethernet (802.3) connection so the
print server automatically switches between wireless and wired Ethernet mode within the same
subnet address. When switching between wired and wireless mode on different subnets, turn off
the printer and then turn it back on to reinitialize the radio.
Follow the instructions in this manual to configure the wireless print server for your printer. For
more information and software downloads, see Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting.”
This manual is written for the System Administrator who sets up printers on the network and is
familiar with basic networking principles.
Using This Manual
Following is a summary of the contents of this manual.
Chapter Contents
1 Getting Started Information you should know before using the printer.
Configuring the 802.11b/g
and IP Settings
Setting communications between your network and printer.
Selecting a Management
Explains the various ways to configure and monitor your network
4 Using a Web Browser
Using your Web browser to configure and monitor your network
Using the Sierra Sport
Configure and monitor your network printer using the Sierra Sport
Configurator with the Avalanche Management Console software.
6 Telnet Console Commands Lists the supported console commands for your network printer.
7 Troubleshooting Common problems and their solutions.
A Specifications Printer and radio specifications.
G Glossary Networking and printer terms and their definitions.
Getting Started 1-1