Setting Alerts and Traps
Use this tab to configure the email alerts and SNMP IP Traps.
1. Specify the Email Alerts, including the SMTP Server Address, SMTP Server Port, enter the
Email Address and select the Trigger Conditions for each email address.
2. Specify the SNMP IP Traps including the Trap Community. Enter the IP Address and IP
Port. Select the Trigger Conditions for each IP address.
Configuring Printing Settings
Use this tab to configure the printer’s supply settings, regional settings, and image adjustments.
1. Enter any Supply Setup information including Ribbon/Energy, Supply Type, Feed Mode,
and Supply Position.
2. Enter any Image Adjustments including Contrast, Print Position, and Margin Position.
3. Enter any Regional Settings including Symbol Set, Currency Symbol, Decimal Places,
Secondary Currency Symbol, and whether to print a Slashed Zero.
Using the Sierra Sport Configurator 5-5