Axis Communications CD E100 Server User Manual

Appendix A: Parameter List
120 AXIS StorPoint CD E100 Users Manual
BinderyEnable = yes Enables bindery mode login. When using NDS, set to no to increase
system security. The Supervisor can always login in bindery mode
even if this parameter is set to no.
BindAuthentication = Name or IP address of the server used for authenitcating clients.
NDSEnable = yes Enables NDS mode.
NDSTreeName = Name of the tree where you wish to install the StorPoint CD.
NDSServerContext = Distinguished name of the context in the NDS tree where you wish
to install the StorPoint CD, e.g. Corp.Acme.
NDSAdminName = Distinguished name of a user or administrator with Supervisor or
Create rights to the context where you want to install the
StorPoint CD, e.g. Admin.Acme.
NDSAdminPassword = Password for the administrator defined in NDSAdminName. Once
written into the configuration file, the password will not be shown
but replaced with *s, representing each letter of the password.
NDSInstall = no Set to install when you are ready to install the StorPoint CD in
NDS, or forced to overwrite the NDS server object.
NDSRightsStorage = NDS Set to NDS to store the access rights in the NDS tree. Set to File to
store the access rights in a file on the Novell server. This is
necessary if you do not allow schema extensions in your NDS tree,
or if you do not have Supervisor access rights. Set to Local to store
access rights locally in the StorPoint.
NDSRightsFile = If you have set NDSRightsStorage to File, specify the whole path to
the file on the Novell file server using this syntax:
server name or IP address. The specified directory must exist and
the StorPoint CD must have Read, Write, Create, Erase, Modify
and File Scan rights. The StorPoint CD will create the file once you
start adding trustees.
TimeSyncSources = SAP If IPX is enabled, use SAP or a list of time servers containing NDS
server names. If PureIP is enabled, use a list of time servers
containing IP addresses, DNS names or NDS server names.
AFPEnable = yes Enables AFP.
AppleTalk_Enable = yes Enables AFP over AppleTalk.
AFPIP_Enable = yes Enables AFP over TCP/IP.
ServerName = The server name in the AFP environment. Default is AXIS<nnnnnn>
where nnnnnn are the last six digits of the serial number.
ZoneName = The zone name to which the StorPoint CD server belongs.
AuthenticationServer = Name of the server used for authenitcating clients.
AuthenticationEnable = no Enables the authentication server. Default is no.
Primary Mail Server = mail Name or IP address of the primary mail server.
Secondary Mail Server = Name or IP address of the secondary mail server.
Administrator Address = The administrators e-mail address.
Mail Log Events = no No means that no log events will be sent via e-mail to the
administrator. Error means that only errors will be sent to the
administrator. Warning means that only warnings will be sent to the
administrator. All means that all logged events will be sent via e-mail
to the administrator
CacheMode* = mirror The default caching method to be used each time you insert a new
disc in one of the drives. None means no caching. Partial means that
the directory structure is cached to allow fast file browsing. Mirror
means complete caching. The hard disk will contain a complete
copy of the mirrored disc.
ClearAllDisks* = no Set to yes to remove all information from the hard disk.
EnableMaxAutoArchiveSize* = no Set to yes to enable the Max Auto Archive Size option.
MaxAutoArchiveSize* = 650 Specifies the maximum disc size to auto archive.
AutoEject* = no Set to yes to enable the Auto Eject function.
EnableLowDiskWarning* = yes Set to no to disable the Low Disk Warning option.
LowDiskTreshold* = 650 Specifies for which disc size a low disk warning shall be displayed.
Parameter name Value Description