Chapter 16 Summary of Important Settings 16-21
Summary of
LASER CLASS 3170 Series.
1.CONFID. MAILBOX Set up confidential mailbox. (➞10-2)
1.SETUP FILE Set up a confidential mailbox.
SET BOX # Create a two-digit confidential mailbox number.
1.FILE NAME Give the mailbox a name up to 24 characters long.
2.PASSWORD Assign a password to protect the mailbox from being changed or deleted.
3.SUBADDRESS Enter a 20-digit (max.) ITU-T subaddress for reception.
4.RX PASSWORD Enter a 20-digit (max.) ITU-T password for reception.
5.# OF RX COPIES Sets the number of copies printed from every document.
2.CHANGE DATA Change all the mailbox settings done with the settings
SET BOX # Enter the number of the mailbox you want to change.
PASSWORD Enter the password protecting the mailbox settings.
You can now change any of the settings listed in the table
above (1.SETUP FILE).
3.DELETE FILE Delete a mailbox.
SET BOX # Enter the number of the mailbox you want to delete.
PASSWORD Enter the password protecting the mailbox you want to
2.RELAY TX GROUP Set up relay box so your fax machine can relay document
transmissions to other fax machines in your area. (➞9-3)
1.SETUP FILE Set up the relay box.
Set a two-digit relay group number (00-99).
1.GROUP DIAL NAME Give the relay group a name (length: 24 characters).
2.PASSWORD Assign a four-digit password to protect the relay box settings.
3.SUBADDRESS Enter a 20-digit (max.) ITU-T subaddress.
4.RX PASSWORD Enter a 20-digit (max.) ITU-T password.
5.SELECT ORIG UNIT Set your fax to check the incoming relay command to make sure the
originator is registered.
ON Receives and obeys incoming relay commands for registered
TEL= originators only. Use the One-touch or Coded Speed Dialing buttons to
register originators.
OFF Receives and obeys all incoming relay commands.
6.PRINT RX DOC. Turns printing on/off for documents received for relay.
ON Prints a copy of every document relayed.
Set the number of document copies to print.
OFF No copy is printed.
7.SELECT LOCATIONS Use the One-touch or Coded Speed Dialing buttons to select the fax
TEL= numbers to receive the document relayed from your fax machine.
*Default settings are in bold.