Canon IR C2100 Printer User Manual

8-3 Adobe PageMaker 6.5 for Mac OS and Windows
If the document contains CMYK images that were separated according to
the color characteristics of a custom ICC profile (not a press standard
profile), choose the corresponding profile as the CMYK Simulation Profile
print option on the iR C2100/2100S.
NOTE: To achieve the workflow described above, the profile used for the
separation of CMYK images in the document should also reside on the
iR C2100/2100S. For more information on downloading CMYK Simulation
profiles to the iR C2100/2100S with ColorWise Pro Tools, see Chapter 4.
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 for Mac OS and Windows
The Mac OS and Windows versions of PageMaker 6.5 are essentially the
same. The illustrations in this section show only the Windows version, except
where differences exist between the two versions.
Windows version requirement
For the Windows version of PageMaker 6.5, make sure a copy of the
iR C2100/2100S PPD file is in both of the following folders:
Importing images
All RGB images placed in a document are affected by your RGB Source and
Rendering Style settings. For best results with placed images, use the
instructions in “Importing images” on page 8-1 and “CMYK simulation” on
page 8-2.
NOTE: You should choose whether you want to use ColorWise color
management or the CMS options built into PageMaker. It is important that
you do not use both systems for the same print job. If you do not wish to use
PageMaker 6.5’s color management features, choose File>Preferences
>General, then click the CMS Setup button and choose Off from the Color
Management pop-up menu. Then click OK. (Color management can be
disabled for a specific bitmapped image by selecting the image and choosing
Element>Image>CMS Source, then choosing None from the This Item Uses
pop-up menu.)