Installation process 49
Provide Unified CCX server details
15. Review integration details and click Close to complete the process.
Close the wizard
Installing secondary application servers
Install secondary application servers, following the steps detailed in this section. You will need to create a new
WebLogic domain on a different server because the secondary server cannot share the WebLogic domain or
server of the primary application and web servers.
To install a secondary application server:
1. First, create a WebLogic domain. For details see “Creating WebLogic domains for secondary application
servers” on page 20.
2. Then, follow the steps from page 42. In step 7 on page 44 make sure you give the following values:
Domain location: The domain location should be different than the one given for the primary Unified
WIM and Unified EIM application server.
Important: The WebLogic domain name and server name should be different than those of the
primary application server.