Reference Guide 4-3
Writer: Holly Jahangiri Saved By: Alyce Klingler-Castle Saved Date: 06/10/97 4:36 PM
Pages: 4 Words: 477 Template: d:\95office\templates\comm.dot
File Name Ch4 Part Number 278019-002
The compact disc is automatically ejected if the disc is upside
down or if any other condition prevents the drive from reading the
3. When the busy indicator turns green, the drive is ready to
receive commands and data may be retrieved from the disc.
4. To remove the compact disc, press the Eject button 3.
Using CD-ROM
The first time you use a software program that comes on a
compact disc, it may load a certain amount of program data
onto the hard drive of your computer. This enables the program
to run more efficiently in the future.
Read the software manufacturer's instructions that accompany
the compact disc before you attempt to use it. Information to
look for includes:
How much hard disk space will this program require? Do
you have enough disk space?
Will you activate the disc from Windows or from the system
Have you connected any special devices the disc requires,
such as a joystick or a keyboard?
Does the disc have a setup program that requires you to
answer questions?
Audio Compact
To play audio compact discs using the CD-ROM drive, use
Media Player. To access Media Player, select the Start menu,
click Programs, click Accessories, click Multimedia, then click
Media Player. Refer to the Microsoft operating system
documentation included with the computer, or to the Media
Player online help for more information.
Some software compact discs take control of the keyboard. If
this occurs, adjust the sound before starting the software.