5-12 Upgrading the Desktop Computer
Writer: Holly Jahangiri Saved by: Holly Jahangiri Saved date: 07/16/97 2:46 PM
Pages: 28 Words: 3162 Template: c:\msoffice\templates\comm.dot
File Name Ch5.doc Part Number 278019-002
Upgrading the
Pentium Processor
The 166 MHz Pentium processor can be upgraded to a 200
MHz or 233 MHz processor. The 200 MHz processor can be
upgraded to a 233 MHz processor.
Installing the processor upgrade incorrectly may cause
damage to the processor board. Compaq recommends that you
have a Compaq authorized dealer, reseller, or service provider
install the processor upgrade. If you plan to install it yourself, read
all the instructions carefully before you begin.
To replace the installed processor with a processor upgrade,
complete the following steps:
To reduce the risk of personal injury from hot
surfaces, allow the internal system components to cool before
1. Remove the front bezel and any expansion boards that
block access to the processor.
2. Remove the drive cage.
When replacing the processor, you must release the
heatsink retaining clip prior to pulling the ZIF socket handle. This
clip engages the processor socket to hold the heatsink in place
3. Remove the heatsink retaining clip 1 by pressing down on
the clip’s extended tab until it releases from the safety catch.
4. Lift the heatsink 2 off the processor.
5. Release the original processor from the socket by pulling
the handle on the ZIF socket out and upward 4.
6. Lift the processor 5 out of the socket.