1 System Overview 15
To upgrade your Emphasis Control System, contact the ETC dealer who provided your
Emphasis Control System to purchase the upgrade. When purchased, you will receive an
Upgrade Code that will unlock the new features you have purchased.
You can upgrade from a lower channel count to a higher channel count, and/or from 2D to
3D operation. You can also purchase an activation code for the Wireless Remote Focus
Unit (WRFU) and/or WYSILink™. If you want to upgrade from a single monitor system to a
dual monitor system to expand your desktop area, you may need to send the Emphasis
Server back to ETC for that hardware upgrade. This hardware upgrade does not affect any
functional abilities of the Emphasis Control System, only the available monitor space.
Emphasis 3D will operate the same on single and dual monitor systems.
To upgrade your Emphasis Control System:
Step 1: Contact your ETC dealer to purchase your Upgrade Code. When you have your
Upgrade Code, continue to Step 2.
Step 2: Power up your Emphasis Server.
Step 3: In the Help menu, click Upgrade.
Step 4: Enter your Upgrade Code in the dialog box. Make sure to use all uppercase
letters when you enter the code.
Step 5: Verify that the code you have entered is correct.
Step 6: Click the Upgrade button.
Step 7: Close and restart Emphasis. Your upgrade will take effect on the restart.