Dell Lighting Control System Printer User Manual

2 Emphasis User Interface 39
Step 2: Insert a 3.5” floppy disk into the drive on the Server.
Step 3: Set the floppy drive as the save destination.
Step 4: Type the file name into the File name box.
Step 5: Click Save.
Save a show file to CD:
Step 1: In the File menu, click Save Show to save as the current show name, or Save
Show As to save to another name. Save your show to the hard drive (Drive D:
Step 2: Minimize the Emphasis application.
Step 3: On the desktop, double-click Easy CD Creator 5 Basic. Follow steps to
complete the initial license agreement (first time only).
Step 4: Click ‘make a data cd’ button and choose 'directCD’.
Show file