
28 Emphasis Control System Quick Guide
Record Cues and Submasters
Emphasis provides two basic recording functions – [Record] and [Track]. The [Record]
function saves all channels at their Stage levels in the cue, group or submaster you specify.
When you use [Record] for cues, only the cue you specify is affected. [Track], on the other
hand, can make changes across a series of cues (see the Emphasis Console User Manual
for more information on [Track]).
Record cues:
Step 1: Select channels using the procedure described in Select Channels, Dimmers
and Fixtures, page 23.
Step 2: Set levels using the procedure described in Set Levels, page 24 and Moving
Light Control, page 26.
Step 3: Press [Record] <Cue> [x] [Enter], where [x] is the target cue number. If the
target cue number has already been recorded, a “Cue Recorded” message will
blink on the stage display. If you choose to record to a used number, the new look
will overwrite the old look.
Remember that the [Record] function will store all Stage levels in the cue, group or
submaster you specify. Make sure that you have cleared all unwanted channels before
recording your cues.
Cue timing is assigned as an upfade time and a downfade time. Upfade time is the amount
of time it takes channels at a lower level to fade to their new higher level when a cue plays
back. Downfade time is the amount of time it takes channels at a higher level to fade to their
new lower level when a cue plays back. These times may be the same, or they can be
different (known as a split-fade). The timing a channel follows is determined solely by the
level the channel is at when the cue is played back. You will only see the effect of timing
during the transition from one cue to another.
Assign fade time to a cue:
Step 1: Record the cue (see above), or press [Cue] [x], where [x] is the cue number you
want to select.
Step 2: Press [Time] [x] [Enter], where [x] is the upfade time.
Step 3: Press <y> [Enter], where <y> is the downfade time, if it is different from the
upfade time.
Recording a submaster is very similar to recording a cue. To play back a submaster, simply
raise the fader to the desired level, or press the submaster’s bump button to flash the
contents of the submaster to full.
Record pile-on submasters:
Step 1: Select channels using the procedure described in Select Channels, Dimmers
and Fixtures, page 23.
Step 2: Set levels using the procedure described in Set Levels, page 24 and Moving
Light Control, page 26.
Step 3: Press [Record] [Sub] [x] [Enter], where [x] is the target submaster number. If
the target submaster number has already been recorded, a “Sub Recorded”
message will blink on the stage display. If you choose to record to a used
number, the new look will overwrite the old look. You may also press [Record]
[Sub-Bump] to record a look directly to a submaster.