MVME55006E Single-Board Computer Installation and Use (6806800A37D)
About this Manual
Overview of Contents
This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1, Hardware Preparation and Installation, provides MVME5500 board preparation and
installation instructions for both the board and accessories. Also included are the power-up
Chapter 2, Functional Description, describes the MVME5500 on a block diagram level.
Chapter 3, RAM55006E Memory Expansion Module, provides a description of the RAM5500
memory expansion module, as well as installation instructions and connector pin assignments.
Chapter 4, MOTLoad Firmware, describes the basic features of the MOTLoad firmware
Chapter 5, Connector Pin Assignments, provides pin assignments for various headers and
connectors on the MMVE5500 single-board computer.
Appendix A, Specifications, provides power requirements and environmental specifications.
Appendix B, Thermal Validation, provides information to conduct thermal evaluations and
identifies thermally significant components along with their maximum allowable operating
Appendix C, Related Documentation, provides a listing of related Emerson manuals, vendor
documentation, and industry specifications.
The MVME55006E Single-Board Computer Installation and Use manual provides the
information you will need to install and configure your MVME55006E single-board computer. It
provides specific preparation and installation information, and data applicable to the board. The
MVME55006E single-board computer will hereafter be referred to as the MVME5500.
As of the printing date of this manual, the MVME5500 supports the models listed below.
Model Number Description
MVME55006E-0161 1 GHz MPC7457 processor, 512MB SDRAM, Scanbe handles
MVME55006E-0163 1 GHz MPC7457 processor, 512MB SDRAM, IEEE handles
RAM55006E-007 Memory expansion, 512MB SDRAM
IPMC7126E-002 Multifunction rear I/O PMC module; 8-bit SCSI, Ultra Wide SCSI, one
parallel port, three async and one sync/async serial ports.
MVME712M6E Transition module with one DB-25 sync/async serial port, three DB-25
async serial port, one AUI connector, one D-36 parallel port and one 50-
pin 8-bit SCSI; includes 3-row DIN P2 adapter board and cable.