Extron electronic MLS 608 D Switch User Manual

b Filter (FILT) — Up to three frequency lters can be inserted in any combination of High
Pass, Low Pass, Bass & Treble lters, or Parametric Equalizer.
c Dynamics 1 (DYN) — Dynamics processors vary the dynamic level, (the range of
loudest to softest signals). Choices include AGC, compressor, limiter, or noise gate.
d Dynamics 2 (DYN) — A second dynamics processor can be inserted from a choice of
AGC, compressor, limiter, or noise gate.
e Delay (DLY) — Delay can be set either by time or distance. Distance can be expressed
in either feet or meters. The default setting is delay by time, at 100.0 ms. When Feet or
Meters is selected, the Temperature field is enabled and can be set to either Celsius
or Fahrenheit.
f Trim (TRIM) Each input channel trim block provides left-channel and right-channel
faders or a mono fader (for input channel 4). Each fader has a gain range of -12 dB to
+12 dB and the default setting is unity gain (0.0 dB).
Output processor blocks
Post-switcher output signal chain elements shown above, from left to right, are as follows:
Post gain,
Bass and Treble,
Mix-point gain,
a Post Gain (POST GAIN) — An output channel post gain block provides gain control,
mute control, and the ability to sum the stereo signal to mono.
The default setting for all channels is unity gain (0.0 dB), with the exception that the MTP
output (output 3) default setting is -6.0 dB. Since the MTP output is a mono output and
the switcher is stereo, the MTP output channels must be summed to mono. Summing to
mono causes a gain increase of 6 dB, so -6.0 dB is applied to offset that gain increase.
b Loudness (LOUD) — The Loudness processor applies a filter compensation curve to
the signal in an inverse relationship to the output volume (the higher the output volume,
the less compensation that is applied).
c Bass and Treble (BASS TREB) — This processor is located post-switcher and before
the mix-points in the DSP signal chain for each output. The settings for these bass and
treble processors can be overwritten or returned to the default values. These blocks cannot
be removed from the signal chain. Group Master 3 is pre-congured to control bass/cut,
while Group Master 4 is pre-congured to control treble.
d Mix-point Gain — Each of the two mic/line inputs is connected to a mix-point
for each of the outputs. Mic mix levels are set relative to the source program material
connected to the output via the switcher and also relative to other microphones. The
default setting for mic mix-points is muted with unity gain (0.0 dB).
e Delay (DLY) — Channel delay can be set by feet or meters modified by an air
temperature parameter, or by direct time insertion from 0 - 200 ms.
MLS 608 D Series • Operation 29