Extron electronic MLS 608 D Switch User Manual

z Console View — This is used to provide access to all gain points plus a meter bridge
in a single view. This is useful for fine tuning gain structure during system testing and
commissioning. <F5> is the shortcut key.
Figure 37. The Console View in Emulate Mode
Other View menus
z Re-enable All Dialogs — Selecting this option re-enables all dialogs that were
disabled and currently no longer appear (based on user selection), such as the
notification dialog when a preset was saved.
z Group Controls — Selecting this option opens the Group Controls dialog from which
a new group can be added and the increment/decrement simulator can be accessed.
The group control (such as a gain control or mute control) and the associated soft
limits can also be adjusted.
Figure 38. Group Controls, Showing the Five Pre-configured Groups
For details of the two submenus (Add a Group and Tools) associated with this
option, see the the "Operations" section in this manual or the DSP Configurator Help
le, “Workspaces”, “Gain Controls”, “Group Masters,” “Viewing Group Controls”.
MLS 608 D Series • DSP Congurator 51