User’s Guide
Viewing an Entered Bookmark
You can view the text of an existing bookmark or a list of all
bookmarks. To view or edit a bookmark, follow these steps.
Note: If you are already at the location in text where you
entered the bookmark, begin at Step 3.
1. Tap and then either tap Go To|Bookmark List or write
Menu shortcut l to see a list of all bookmarks.
The list is organized from newest to oldest, with the most
recent addition at the top.
2. Tap the title of a bookmark to go to its location in text.
You see the Bookmark Edit screen.
3. From text view, tap .
4. Enter or revise the text you want.
5. Tap OK to save your changes.
Tap Cancel to exit without saving the changes.
You can also remove an entered bookmark by tapping
Delete. You must confirm the delete. To confirm, tap Yes. To
exit without deleting, tap No.
icon in text
When the book-
mark fills more
than one screen,
a scroll bar
appears. Tap on
the up and down
arrows or the
scroll bar to move
and view the
entire text.