SNTP Commands Command Reference
Intelligent Blade Panel Module
< poll-retry> - Polling retry in seconds. The range is 0 to 10.
no - This command will reset the poll retry for SNTP unicast clients to its default value.
Default Setting
The default value is 1.
Command Mode
Global Config sntp server
This command configures an SNTP server (with a maximum of three) where the server
address can be an ip address or a domain name and the address type either ipv4 or dns. The
optional priority can be a value of 1-3, the version is a value of 1-4, and the port id is a value of
sntp server <ipaddress/domain-name> <addresstype> [<1-3> [<version> [<portid>]]]
no sntp server remove <ipaddress/domain-name>
< ipaddress/domain-name > - IP address of the SNTP server.
< addresstype > - The address type is ipv4 or dns.
<1-3> - The range is 1 to 3.
<version> - The range is 1 to 4.
<portid> - The range is 1 to 65535.
no - This command deletes an server from the configured SNTP servers.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config sntp clock timezone