Jobs do not print. The MFP is not ready
to receive data.
Make sure Ready or Power Saver appears on the display
before sending a job to print.
The output bin is full. Remove the stack of paper from the output bin.
The specified input
tray is empty.
Load paper in the tray.
You are using the
wrong MFP driver or
are printing to a file.
• Verify you are using the MFP driver associated with the
• If using a USB port, make sure you are running
Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or
Windows Server 2003 and using a Windows 98/Me,
Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003
compatible MFP driver.
Your M ar k Net™
N8000 series internal
print server is not set
up properly or is not
properly.Your print
server is not set up
properly or is not
connected properly.
Verify that you have properly configured the MFP for
network printing.
See the drivers CD or the Lexmark Web site for information.
You are using the
wrong interface cable,
or the cable is not
securely connected.
Make sure you are using a recommended interface cable.
Make sure the connection is secure.
Held jobs do not print. A formatting error has
• Print the job. (Only part of the job may print.)
• Delete the job.
• Free up additional MFP memory by scrolling through the
list of held jobs and deleting others you have sent to the
The MFP has
insufficient memory.
The MFP has received
invalid data.
Delete the job.
Job takes longer than
expected to print.
The job is too
Reduce the complexity of your print job by eliminating the
number and size of fonts, the number and complexity of
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