
136 Chapter 7 - Scanning EN
Working with scanned items
If you choose to scan page-by-page, you can perform editing
functions on each page. Editing functions include lightening and
darkening photo regions, adding or removing regions from the page,
changing region types, and cropping sections.
To work with scanned items
1 Click Scan First Page. The first page is scanned and appears in
the Preview window.
2 Choose one of the following Viewer modes by clicking its
corresponding button on the toolbar located in the upper right
corner of the Preview window.
To do this: Click this
Display the entire scanned page but not be able to edit
regions. The only editing you can do is crop what you
want to send to the destination. You select the area to
send by drawing a rectangle around it.
Selection mode
Display the entire scanned page with all regions outlined
in color boxes that represent their region types. A region
is any part of the image that the scanner software can
recognize as a region type. For instance, all photographs
on a page would be assigned a region type of Photo.
In Edit Region mode, you create new regions, change
existing region types, resize regions, delete regions,
lighten and darken photo regions, and select which
regions to send to the destination.
Edit Region
Zoom into the Preview window. The contents of the
Preview window doubles each time you zoom in. The
contents are centered on the point where you clicked in
the Preview window.
Zoom In mode