Chapter 2
MP Core I/O Connections
If the CE Tool is a laptop using Reflection 1, check or change these communications settings using the
following procedure:
1. From the Reflection 1 Main screen, pull down the Connection menu and select Connection Setup.
2. Select Serial Port.
3. Select Com1.
4. Check the settings and change, if required.
Go to More Settings to set Xon/Xoff. Click OK to close the More Settings window.
5. Click OK to close the Connection Setup window.
6. Pull down the Setup menu and select Terminal (under the Emulation tab).
7. Select any HP terminal type.
Preferred types are HP70092, HP70096 or HP70094, HP70098, VT100.
8. Click Apply.
This option is not highlighted if the terminal type you want is already selected.
9. Click OK.
Connecting the CE Tool to the Local RS-232 Port on the MP
This connection allows direct communications with the MP. Only one window can be created on the CE
Tool to monitor the MP. When enabled, it provides direct access to the MP and any partition.
Use the following procedure to connect the CE Tool to the Local RS-232 Port on the MP:
1. Connect one end of a null modem cable (9-pin to 9-pin) (Part Number 5182-4794) to the M cable connector
labeled CONSOLE.
2. Connect the other end of the RS-232 cable to the CE Tool.
Standby Power and Logging in to the MP
After connecting the serial device, it is possible to login to the Management Processor (MP). Housekeeping
power (also known as standby power) is generated as soon as AC power is applied to the server. Because the
MP uses standby power, it is possible to login to the MP even when the power switch is in the OFF position.
The power switch is a DC power switch that controls +48v DC.
Before powering up the hp rp7405/rp7410 server for the first time:
1. Verify that the AC voltage at the input source is within specifications for each hp rp7405/rp7410 being
2. If not already done so, power on the serial display device.
The preferred tool is the CE tool running Reflection 1.
To power up the MP, set up a communications link, and login to the MP:
1. Connect the server to AC power.