HP (Hewlett-Packard) PCL 5 Printer User Manual

Scale Algorithm The Scale Algorithm command selects an algorithm for
enhancing details when reducing color images with light or
dark backgrounds. This command has no effect when
enlarging an image
? * t # K
# = 0 - Enhances color source images with a
light background.
1 - Enhances color source images with a
dark background
Default = 0
Range = 0, 1 (absent value field or values out-
side the range are ignored)
This command is valid only after a Start Raster command
(?*r#A) with scale mode ON.
This command is ignored unless the scale factor is less than
1. For example, assume the source image is 1024 x 1280
pixels and the destination image is 2160 x 2880 decipoints
(3" x 4"). At 300 dpi, this means a destination size of 900 x
1200 dots; therefore, the specified scale algorithm would
take effect.
If the scale factor of either dimension is less than 1, the
scale algorithm takes effect for that dimension only.
6-42 Raster Graphics6-42 Raster Graphics